In 2021, Bike & Run for Chepan collected more than four thousand BGN from registration fees, which we donated to the Association of Parks in Bulgaria for the start of a campaign for mapping and protecting centuries-old trees in Bulgaria. In 2023, we will again donate BGN 5 from each registration fee to this campaign, relying on everyone's cooperation to promote the mobile application and engage the largest possible number of Bulgarians of all ages for the cause.


Each centuries-old tree is a witness to a time travel; it is a voice from another era, and an ecosystem of itself. Only an insignificant part of these trees have been mapped, and even less of them have been placed under the protection of the Biodiversity Act. As a natural, and also a cultural heritage, these trees are a huge potential for the development of adventure and alternative tourism in general.

Centuries-old trees are often victims of destruction by treasure hunters, poachers or unscrupulous farmers and foresters. Their absence from the maps the general development plans are based on is often the reason why they appear on the ground as an obstacle for already laid out new roads and technical infrastructure.


Through a special smartphone application, anyone can map ancient trees in the field (( allows their visualization on the public platform for ancient trees in the website On this platform, each tree is visualized and recorded, indicating its location, photos, data, and status, as well as the name of the sender. Marking and popularization of said trees through this platform of ancient trees as natural phenomena and tourist attractions will help not only to educate and increase the environmental self-awareness of the society, but also to the immediate protection of these trees and the ancient forests, as a result of the increased public interest in them.


Once mapped, steps might be taken to declare the trees as protected sites of natural heritage, such as creating a file, clarifying ownership of the terrain etc. Within the year 2021, several dozen trees were declared protected. But the ancient trees are thousands, so let's continue and accelerate this step in order to preserve the ancient forests.

Register to participate in the spring 12th edition of BIKE & RUN FOR CHEAP 2023.

We also have Adrenalin, we also have Cause.

Let's do Good!